Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday Walking 45 minutes

In the snow! I had both kids with me, but we did a pretty good pace for snow walking. 2 miles total.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thursday Exercise Bike + Marching in place (30 minutes)

I did 20 minutes on the exercise bike before my belly got too tight, so I marched it out for the full 30 minutes. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to exercise outside of a pool!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wednesday JM 30 day shred workout 2 (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. I was so tired this morning! I'm glad I got up and got moving though. We have the great post-holiday toy purge still to do today, and I think I finally feel up to it ;)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday Running 25 minutes

On a paved trail. Cold today! 

Also- cooking and laundry all day ;)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Jillian Michaels Workout 2 (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. 3 strength workout and 2 swims this week despite this stinking cold! Woot!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday Swimming Laps (35 minutes)

5 minutes breast stroke
10 minutes freestyle
10 minutes back stroke
5 minutes freestyle
5 minutes breast stroke

That was pretty much all I got done today. This cold is still getting me down.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday Jillian Michaels Workout 2 (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. I took yesterday off for this STUPID cold. I hate colds anyway, but while pregnant just seems especially cruel.

Plus- grocery shopping with all the kids later.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday Swimming Laps 45 minutes

5 minutes breast stroke
10 minutes freestyle
10 minutes back stroke
10 minutes freestyle
10 minutes back stroke

Plus, running around doing all the stuff ;)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday JM 30 Day Shred Workout 2 (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. I feel a little silly doing some of the moves while gigantor pregnant ;) Also- chasing a toddler around a doctor's office for 1/2 hour.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I forgot to post yesterday!
This week has been stupid busy.  Been doing some, *ahem*, Christmasing.  (can't go into detail, the kids can read and all)
I did 20 minutes on the machine yesterday, and 20 minutes of running today.  Today I ran .8 miles, and most of that was running.  Go me! :D
The Almighty Liz

Saturday Running 30 minutes

Plus, 15 minutes of walking in there too.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Swimming 30 minutes

5 minutes breast stroke
10 minutes freestyle
10 minutes back stroke
5 minutes freestyle

Plus, 3 hours of stock up shopping (from three different stores) for after the baby is born.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday 45 minutes heavy duty yard work

Just raking leaves and using a big shovel to re-arrange my compost pile for me today. Whew! Time for a nap now ;)

Oops, spoke too soon! 40 minutes of walking while pushing the double stroller also. The older kids skated and scootered with me as I pushed the 2 year old.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. I think I will take tomorrow off. I am so tired!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday Running 40 minutes (2 1/2 miles)

Night run! I could not go swimming today, so I had to do a run. Plus- laundry day!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday JM 30 Day shred workout 2 (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. I could not do all the walk out push ups and I'm pretty much modifying all the moves. Still, it gets my heart rate up and gives me a good strength workout. I did NOT feel like working out today, so I'm proud of myself.

Also- walking with the kids for 45 minutes.

Last Thursday and Monday

So, I got busy, and forgot to post my last workout last week, and since I was busy, I didn't get a workout in Friday or Saturday.  Last Thursday I went to a Zumba class I found that is literally walking distance from me!  Score!  It was an hour long class. :D
Today I did thirty minutes bike/elliptical, much heavier on the elliptical, which is really good.  Means I'm getting stronger. 
I was going to run today because on Friday I went to Fleet Feet and got new shoes!  And inserts, and let me tell you, they have changed my LIFE, lol!!  I knew I needed arch support, I just didn't realize how MUCH I needed it. ;)  Anyway, the running didn't work due to the fact that it is literally FREEZING outside.  I need to get some long spandex so I can run in cold weather.  It's supposed to be warmer the rest of the week, though, so I'm sure I can still get a run in.
The Almighty Liz

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday Running 30 minutes (paved trail)

Plus, 5 minutes walking to warm up and 10 minutes walking to cool down. 

Also- getting stuff ready for the baby all day!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday swimming 35 minutes

5 minutes breast stroke
5 minutes freestyle
10 minutes back stroke
10 minutes freestyle
5 minutes back stroke

Plus, following my 2 year old around the smaller (and warmer) pool afterwards. I over did it the last two days, so I literally felt like I did NOTHING else today.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday JM 30 day shred workout 2 (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. I was going to run today, but the thought of getting all the stuff together for the jogging stroller was a little too much. 

Also- wrapping presents for several hours!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday Pregnancy Yoga (30 minutes)

Plus, walking for almost 2 hours around the mall while (literally at times) chasing my two year old. I'm not sure which one I should consider my "real" workout for the day ;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I ran today.  I'm not sure how far I went because I didn't drive up to Shaw and run on my regular trail.  I did the same route I did yesterday on my bike, so it was uphill both ways.  I got almost twenty minutes.  I had to quit early because my ankle was killing me.  I'm not going to be able to run again until I get new shoes, these are going to end up maiming me.  I'm looking into that this week.
The Almighty Liz

Tuesday JM 30 day shred (25 minutes)

With 10 lb free weights. 

Plus- sewing and other projects all day.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Swimming 55 minutes

10 minutes breaststroke
10 minutes freestyle
10 minutes back stroke
5 minutes freestyle
10 minutes backstroke
5 minutes freestyle
5 minutes kick board

Getting my energy back today finally!

Catching Up

I started my period last week, that's why I've been MIA. 
So, a week ago last Saturday, I did two and half hours of roller skating with John and the kids.  It was a BLAST.  Not much of a cardio workout, but my calves and thighs definitely felt it the next day!
I weighed in last Monday, and I had gained a few pounds over Thanksgiving, and was definitely retaining because of the girly cycle.  I did no working out last week, it was impossible. 
Today, I weighed in, and I lost 3 lbs last week, putting me at 127.  So all I need to lose is 2 lbs to be back at my goal, and I would like to do that before Christmas so I'm not packing extra when THAT feast rolls around.  More wiggle room.  It's easier to lose five pounds twice than ten pounds once.  That's what I think anyway. ;)
I also biked this morning for almost twenty minutes, and away from the house was mostly uphill.  Surprisingly, the way back was just as much uphill.  How is that possible?!!
Still, not bad for a first post-period workout, those always suck, and this one was better than usual.  Go me!
The Almighty Liz

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday Running 35 minutes (paved trail)

Plus, an hour of grocery shopping. I am still so tired from this cold!