Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday Lifting/Bodyweight Training (2 1/2 hours)

 First Super set done earlier in the day- 6 sets of 10 push ups (working on my push up form so scaling back to sets of 10 again until my form feels better), 6 sets of 20 calf raises, 6 sets of 6 chair dips

Second super set with 70 lbs bar- Military presses (3 sets of 3), Good mornings (3 sets of 8), Front squats with sumo feet (3 sets of 10)

Then- 3 sets of 5 back squats with 200 lbs and sumo feet. Also, trying to pause at the bottom for maximum muscle growth

Then- 3 sets of 10 bench presses with pause at bottom again

Then- 3 sets of 5 reverse lunges

Then 3 sets of 10 hip thrusts with 120 lbs

Then 3 sets of 10 Single leg RDL

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