Monday, February 20, 2012

This Week's Weigh-In

So, no working out for me last week. Probably not this week either. I'm not healing as fast as I used to! And I didn't heal very fast then either, lol! I still can't walk very much on this freaking toe without a lot of pain, so I'm just going to take it slow and easy. Gosh darn it!!
I weighed in this morning very optimistic because I did pretty good on my diet last week. Not perfect, but not terrible either. Aaaaaaand, I gained THREE POUNDS! What the freak?!! Not fair!! All the pain and none of the reward?! Argh! So I'm going to get really anal with the diet this week. Pull out the measuring cups and make sure everything is EXACT, and see what happens. I can't afford to gain weight right now! Not and reach my goal weight by the time we go on vacation to the beach!! I REFUSE to be a whale the beach! R-E-F-U-S-E.
The Almighty Liz


Renae said...

Hang in there. You can do it.

lizS said...

john brought me my favorite burger, a mushroom and swiss from hardee's, which is 18 pts and i'm only allowed 20 per day, lol! i cut it in half. now i can have it two days in a row! he also brought me two boxes of chocolate, lol! the stinky sabateur! lol!!

timpani76 said...

I hate gaining weight! It's no fun :(

My diet has plateaued again. I think I will have to switch to another one. I think I can do weight watchers online? I might check that out, or myfitnesspal.

I might also THINK about finally seeing an edicrinologist. That's the standard for treating PCOS (which is the root of my weight issues).

lizS said...

you can absolutely do weight watchers online, and i highly recommend it. it's really worked for me, and my sister, and pretty much everyone else i've ever talked to that has tried it. :D