Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wed Strength Workout (45 minutes)

I took out squats because they seem to aggravate my knees.

Here's what I did today- 3 sets of pull ups with the pull up assist strap. 3 sets of australian pull ups hands over bar, but with feet elevated this time to add more resistance. 3 sets of australian pull ups hands UNDER bar, but with feet elevated this time to add more resistance. I mixed in 9 sets of 10 push ups into that (90 push ups total). I also did calf raises on a stair, alternated with chair dips (3 sets each). I then went upstairs and did deadlifts alternated with hip thrusts (3 sets of each). I hooked my leg up to the bow flex and did front, back & side leg raises with 50 lbs of resistance on the band (3 sets each, both legs). I'm hoping the hip thrusts and back leg raises will be enough glute work to make up for taking time off squats for now.

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