Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm Totally Pooped!

My day started at 6:00, when I got up and ran 6.25 miles with Lydia riding her bike along side me. When I got home, the guy delivering 7 tons of rocks was there unloading. I quick showered and changed my clothes then ran to the store to get a few needed things for the project. Then I fed Clayton, put him in the charge of his older siblings, and went outside and shoveled / raked rocks for 3 hours in the rain. Next I spent about 1/2 hour cleaning up the yard. Then I went inside, showered put on dry clothes, fed lunch to everybody, bathed and dressed the baby, got Justice dressed, dropped off R, M, & J at my Mom's house, and took Clayton & Lydia to the dr.'s office for a check-up. Next it was off to run a couple of errands & do the grocery shopping, pick up the boys, stop off for some pizzas, home to put away the groceries, eat and collapse at about 7:30 pm. In a few minutes, I have to up and do family night, then put 5 kids to bed (which is exhausting in itself). I'm TOTALLY POOPED!


timpani76 said...

I'll bet you'll sleep good tonight with some help from Tylenol ;)

lizS said...

i don't see what you're complaining about. i do that ever day with no problems. suck it up!!

jk, obviously. you are superwoman!