Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday Open Mat (2 hours)

2 hours rolling mostly nogi. 

The rolls were good! I rolled with 4 girls, and didn't really get killed. I totally murdered one of the girls though and I felt sorry for her. I made them all work on guard breaks and guard work since I rarely get to work from there at my home school. They were all helpful. I killed them all with takedowns though.

Then KS suggested I roll with some blue belt guys who were my size or smaller and that was an awesome suggestion! I did great against these two blue belt guys and they were coming back for more asking me to continue the rolls! One guy was AA and he could not tap me out. And other guy was a red head and I tapped him out once and he tapped me out once. I ended up rolling with KS last and I did okay against KS. He couldn't really tap me out even though he almost got me a a few times. I know he doesn't use all his pressure, but I still feel like I did good with him.

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