Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday Lifting/Bodyweight Training (2 hours)

First super set- Military presses. good mornings, front squat with 70 lbs (with heel elevators)

Second Super set- Back squats for 3 sets of 5 with 120ish  (reduced weight to concentrate on squatting to depth with heel elevators), reverse lunges for 3 sets of 3 with 120 lbs (switching it ups to make it easier on my left shoulder which is really hurting. This way I don't have to lift up the 70lb bar and I can use the squat rack to get the bar to shoulder height for the lunging)

Single Leg RDL's with 3 sets of 10 with 40ish lb weight

glute bridges- 3 sets of 10 with 120 lbs

3rd super set - bicep curls, forearm curls, and shoulder presses all with 20ish lb weights

Skipped bench presses etc. due to left shoulder, left upper arm, left upper back area really hurting today

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