Friday, September 3, 2010


I've been just dog tired for the past couple of days. I got plenty of sleep, but I have just felt completely drained, two days in a row. Wednesday I just figured that I was just worn out from my massive day Tuesday. Yesterday I had no excuse. I didn't even get up early and run. No energy, like being 2 months pregnant kind of no energy. It could be that I had been too lazy to pick up my thyroid medicine and had missed two days? Probably not since my dose is really low, so could it really affect me that drastically so quickly? I doubt it. Bruce suggested that maybe this no dairy thing is getting to me. I've been taking a calcium supplement, but that has no protein. After I thought about it for a minute I thought "Maybe there is something in that." I'm not known for being a huge meat consumer, and cheese was a major source of protein for me. Plus I don't really like that soy milk, so I've hardly been drinking it at all. So just for good measure, I ate a can of tuna before bed and two eggs with my breakfast. I also got my prescription refilled, and I'm back on my thyroid meds. I'm not sure how to diagnose my problem, but I am feeling better today. Yay!

I ran 4.5 miles pushing Justice and Clayton in the buggy. HOORAY for nice weather!!!

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

I asked my brother (the nurse) and he said that technically the way thyroid medicine works, it should not make you tired after two days of not being on it.

I would go with the protein problem. I have to really make sure I get enough protein with being off milk, peanuts, and now soy. If I don't get enough protein, I actually start feeling ill I get so tired.