Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday Upper Body Lifting/Bodyweight Training (90 minutes)


Started with military presses/goodmornings/front squats super set - 3sets with 70lbs,  Pull ups/calf raises/push ups super set- 3 times (did underhand pull ups this time, much harder to me for some reason),bench presses 70lbs - 3 sets of 10 (less weight, more reps), hip thrusts with 120lb bar, single leg RDL - 3 sets of 10 done slowly (also did push ups after each set including 20 PUSH UPS IN SET AT THE EVERY END OF THE WORKOUT!!! 60 regular push ups total and 5 walk out push ups as well), hand weights - bicep curls/forearm curls/shoulder presses, ended with ab work and yoga on the trapeze. I'm not great with ab work on the trapeze yoga swing, but I'm going to keep working on it.

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