Thursday, August 30, 2012

And I'm Back

So, here's the good news.  I didn't gain any weight last week, I maintained at 128.  I am on my girly time, so I haven't done anything this week, but when I put on my workout clothes, the tops of which of most of them are very tight, including the one I wore today, it looked pretty freaking good.  So I lost a lot of the bloat I obviously had going on last week.  Score!
The bad news is today's workout was TERRIBLE.  I mean really horrific.  Maybe it's because I'm still on my girly time, and this has been a particularly heavy one, maybe because of the girly time my diet has been pretty crappy, but today was very difficult.  I did 20 min. elliptical/bike, no rests in between, and it was extremely difficult to get in that much.  Typically, my heart rate stays between 150-170ish during cardio (something I have to pay close attention to), sometimes a scooch higher but nothing radical.  Today, by the end when I called it quits, it had shot up to 220.  What the crap?!  So, very low day for Liz.  Tomorrow, I'm thinking strength workout because it's easier on my heart, then I'll pick the cardio back up on Saturday.  Which will be good because John and I are going out of town (therapist ordered! holla! :D), and they have a workout room, but it looks like no weights.  So, big BOO on today. :(
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...

Woohoo for out of town fun! Go crazy and have a good time!

Renae said...

But good for you for working out even though you weren't feeling it. Have a great vaca! What are your kids doing?