Thursday, August 21, 2008

yay for thursday!

Well I went to work. Then I went to my friend's house. We ate dinner & played games. I got back home in time to watch the Olympics. That's about it for me today.

Breakfast: Ginger/Soy Chicken & noodles leftovers. (I was running late to work.:)

Snack: Trail Mix

Snack: Sun Chips

Dinner: Grill hamburger, corn on the cob, pasta salad

Dessert: Pumpkin Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting


lizS said...

oh man, pumpkin cake?! i've never had that, and it sounds heavenly! good job on your eating. how're you feeling? be sure you're taking it easy! much love and hugs during this difficult..ahem..period of your month, lol!

timpani76 said...

Someone once told me, "never do yoga when you have cramps" so I did it anyway ;)

Dana Cheryl said...

The pumpkin cake was sooooo good. My friend made two of them so she sent one home with me. Too bad you're not closer 'cause I'd drop a few pieces by your house. :)

Timpani you crack me up! Do you practice yoga? I have on and off for a few years. I love it and man is it difficult!

I'm feeling much better. It's all but over. It was the normal time for me so it only lasted three days but they were tough ones!

lizS said...

you only have three day periods?!! wow. i'm speechless. (and green.)

Dana Cheryl said...

No usually their longer. I've been known to have my period for six weeks!

I get these 3 to 5 day deals when I've been under stress... In this case the stress stems from staying up all night watching the Olympics. :)

I'll have another period in about two weeks and that will be the real one.

I've had my period for every major event in my life: high school graduation, baptism, receiving my endowments...

Yep, I don't handle stress well. My periods always bad but the little extras are especially awful! The muscles in my lower back actual spasm. It's so bad I've never had to ask... the doc just writes out prescription meds. (Which I can't take b/c of the ulcers. urg! :)

My cramps actually register as contractions. Isn't that nuts?

I have very little sympathy for men who constantly complain about how much they suffer for the sake of reproduction! Bleck!! lol

lizS said...

oh ugh, that really sucks. i used to have really bad ones too. mine went on for 14-20 days, off for 10-14, and i couldn't function without my drug cocktail, and later prescriptions from the doctor. but having babies straightened me out. now you know what to do, lol!!

Dana Cheryl said...

You're not kidding! The doc has told me more than once that having babies would probably fix all my problems. One doctor even told me that on my mish. LOL!

Eyepoke said...

oh yeah, there's nothing like having a baby that will slap that cycle into line!

timpani76 said...

Sorry! I missed your Yoga question Dana. I've only done Yoga from a tape, never from a class. I used to do it about once a week, but I have slacked off since having kids.

I tried 5-6 tapes, and then my sister Elise loaned me one that I have stuck with since it just seems to work so well for me. It's called "Total Yoga". It's hard, but I feel like when I do it consistently I feel myself improving, and I really like that feeling! I actually have to buy a new one, though, because I lost the old tape I had.

Dana Cheryl said...

I really enjoy yoga too. I've gotten out of practice. I do better if I actually go to a class although I've gotten great workouts from videos at home. I'm just not internally motivated when it comes to yoga practice. However you sure seem to be. Good for you!