Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday- McDonalds Workout 30 minutes Friday- Running/Strength- 1 hour

Thursday-- My husband says I should count climbing to the top of the McDonald's play land 5 times as a workout since I was all tired and sweaty after. I think I was just worn out from cleaning all day. My son begged me to go, and it was his birthday (and no one was around!) so I played with him for awhile. It really does feel like climbing a mountain going up in that thing (if mountains all had claustrophobic tunnels).

Friday- I ran a mile (10 minutes) and then speed walked another mile (15 minutes) and then walked/ sprinted another mile (15 minutes). I was walking pretty slow between sprints the last mile, but I made three miles! A note about the walking- a 16 minute mile is the fastest I was able to speed walk before (when I was about 30 lbs thinner) so walking a 15 minute mile was a huge high too!


craftyashley said...

The McDonald's workout! I hear it's coming out on DVD too! :)

Renae said...

T is doing great!

lizS said...

yay timpani! you are so cool, you make ice look warm. ;)