Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I can't believe how fast I lose ground!!! It's only been a week and two days since my last work out. Today was my first day that I'm allowed to work out after my surgery last week. It was soo freaking hard! Maybe I'm just having an off day. It happens. I did the stairs. I only made it to 30 minutes (I usually do 40.) I stopped to breathe SEVERAL times. Ugh. Oh well, I just keep going from where I am.

On an up note, I feel completely back to normal, as far as my surgery area goes.


Liz said...

it'll come back fast, it always does for me. keep at it!

timpani76 said...

Holy crud! I had no idea they would let you exercise again so soon! Give me a call if you want me to come over Friday.