Monday, November 15, 2010

Climbing Back on the Wagon -- Again

So the Walls being in town kinda screwed me up a bit. I stayed up too late to be getting up at 4:30, so I didn't run with my group at all. I also didn't watch what I ate at all. I did run the stairs for 40 minutes on Thursday. By Saturday I was feeling like quite the slacker, so I did a 13 mile run to make up for my bad week. It was really tough! I haven't done one of those since about March. I'll have to start showing up for Saturday runs again!

So here it is Monday. I weighed in at 153.25 this morning. So, I didn't lose or gain last week. Now it's back to business.


timpani76 said...

At least you did not lose ground! That's always demoralizing for me.

lizS said...

maintaining is always good! and way to get back on the horse!