Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Good News!

Well, so we all know tragedy struck on Thursday; John broke my bike. We have been in kind of a tizzy since then, because that bike was essential to my well being. We spent a good deal of our date on Saturday searching for repair pieces (to no avail), and the last few days getting the word out to as many people as possible that we are in the market. You just never know who's gonna hook you up, and as it turned out, a total stranger did it for me. I met her at a jewelery party on Friday (she was the rep in charge). It was a small intimate group, and talk quickly turned to a variety of subjects un-jewelery-related, and fitness was brought up at one point, to which I proceeded to lament my bike. Well, this wonderful gal emailed me the next day about a group on Yahoo that gives things away. They are called the Freecycle Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StLouis-Freecycle/ , and the premise is that if you want something, you post a bulletin which is then sent to all the people in the groups' emails, and if somebody has it, they email you. It's free, you just have to go pick it up. The reverse it true as well; if you have something you want to get rid of, post it, and people contact you if they want it. You have to be a Yahoo member, but it's free to sign up, so it was a no brainer for me. I signed up, posted my plea for a stationary bike, and got a hit within an hour. He lives about a half an hour away, he'll just leave it for me on the porch, (I don't even have to meet him), and I'm going to go pick it up today after John gets home from work!! (I'm not going by myself, that would be stupid) Anyway, I'm not sure if it's just a St. Louis based thing or not, but what a great resource! All it costs is a little time and gas money. A bargain for sure. I'll be sure to let you all know how the bike works out! Woohoo!
The Almighty Liz


Renae said...

what a cool thing for sure. Glad you are getting another bike!

Eyepoke said...

yeah, i'm hoping to get the word out, cause dude. how awesome is free stuff? very.

timpani76 said...

I'm going to check this out for sure, since I don't think I can run as much as Renae, so I still need a Wednesday thing to do inside.

timpani76 said...

Ok, I joined. Let's see if I can get a free exercise bike as well!

craftyashley said...

Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!