Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Got up early, but will I survive the rest of the day?

Well, I finally managed to drag myself out of bed at 4am to feed the baby and then rejoin my running group at 5. Unfortunately, the group has branched off since my pre-pregnancy days. It seems that only the slow group starts at the same time and place as we used to. So I ran with the slow group, and that was fine for today. Nice to see my old friends again. I will have to find the others though. I'm not quite up to running with the fast group yet, but I'm sure I can handle the medium group just fine. The only problem is going to be managing life getting up this early. We'll see. Oh, 6 miles by the way.


lizS said...

six miles...?! hooray, that's awesome! and don't push yourself too hard, you're getting over being sick.

timpani76 said...

6 miles is AWESOME, I don't care how slow you are going.