Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday and Wednesday

I know I am behind on posting...

Tuesday I got in about 10 minutes of Pilates after my kids were in bed, and then I literally fell asleep on the floor. So much for that...

Wednesday I got up and did some step aerobics early. Then I was soooo tired all day. I know that the benefits will come and I will have more energy down the road, but right now I am really struggling to hang in there until that happens. SO TIRED!!!

Nothing yet today, Thursday, and I have a Stake Primary thing I am supposed to attend tonight and still have dinner to get on...maybe just before bed again.


timpani76 said...

It's worth it! Hang in there!

Do you know you should not do exercise within two hours of bedtime? It's supposed to mess with your sleep, or not let you sleep.

Renae said...

It is hard to work it in, but it is totally worth it. Hang in there!

lizS said...

you're doing awesome elise! hang in there! and yeah, work outs right before bedtime are supposed to make it hard to fall asleep. i have experienced this, and john is a living icon to it. don't beat yourself up; it takes time to work out the routine. just don't give up!!