Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Small Victory

This is so minor, but it made me super-happy. After Target, I buzzed by Del Taco in the parking lot and totally DID NOT get a burrito! Since I have zero self-control, this is quite a victory. Not much going on in the workout dept. Hubby has been working 12 hr. days, so I've been napping while the girls nap. I know I should be working out, but wrangling babies for 12 hrs. seems like workout enough right now.


timpani76 said...


You are my hero lady!

lizS said...

hooray on the self control! i feel like a freakin' knight when i pass the chocolate isle at the store and don't get anything. keep it up! work out when you can, and don't sweat it when you can't. and yeah, i think you are definitly entitled to naps. ;)

Dana Cheryl said...

Naps are good! Great job on "Just Saying NO". LOL!! That's half the battle right there.

Although our trainer at Curves tells me to have one "cheat day" a week and that keeps me on the straight and narrow the rest of the time. :)