Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And Now for Something Completely Different

I lifted weights today! Conclusion; I need some heavier weights. I'm stronger than I thought I was. I did triceps, and lats, 3 sets of 12 reps each, with five lbs. I did one set of 12 reps of 5 lbs for biceps, but it was ridiculous. I need something heavier, so I called it quits on that for today. I also did some biking, and I totally shocked myself here. I wasn't about to do the heavy biking workouts I've been doing right after weight lifting, so I thought to myself, I'll just do one set, at a nice easy pace for as long as I can stand it. I set my pace without looking at the speedometer, because I didn't want to bias myself, and my easy pace is 12 mph! That's awesome, considering I started at eight, and could barely do five minutes of it. I looked at the clock, and then didn't look at it again because, again, I didn't want to bias myself. The next time I looked, it had been twelve minutes, and I was barely feeling it! So I decided to kick it up to 15 mph, and quit at 15 minutes, which I did. I felt good, not nearly as worn out as I thought, and I maybe could have done more, but was leery of pushing it too hard.

Does that kick butt or WHAT?!

Look at that; I'm more SVELTE then I thought.

The Almighty Liz


Dana Cheryl said...

Yes! You've made tremendous progress. Rock on!!! Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Trisha said...

YAY LIZ!!!!!!

Lisa Lou said...

Awesome job!! It's always a rush when you realize that you are stronger than you thought!!:)

lizS said...

oh man, is it ever! i am so pumped UP! did i mention my legs don't jiggle anymore? cause get what? my legs don't jiggle anymore!

timpani76 said...

I would have thought 5 lb weights would be good for you? I use 10 lb weights, and most girls I know use 5-8 lb free weights.

I use 10 lb weights because doctors are now recommending that women over 30 get more BULK muscle to increase bone density. I think 5 lb weights are supposed to be good for getting lean muscle.

Eyepoke said...

the 5 pounders were just not enough. i was doing 12 reps way too easy. if you want to build lean muscle, ie tone not build bulk, then 10-12 reps with whatever weight is where you want to be. but it has be work, does that make sense? you should be just b-a-r-e-l-y getting to that 10-12 mark. if you want to build bulk, it's 8 reps, and all the same principles apply.