Monday, September 8, 2008

DC's weekend

Lisa, Lyra, & I went north this weekend. I walked for miles at the local Peach Days Festival & at the Great Salt Lake. I also ate tons of junk food. (Well it was a lot for me. We ate at Arbys. On the drive home I had a bag of chips, soda, & hot chocolate.) That doesn't really concern me though. The occasional weekend of junk food is fine so long as I'm being my active self. :)

It was good times!

p.s. I got to chuck a pair of pants into the DI box! I'll miss 'em because they are super comfy but they're huge. Yay!

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

SWEET! Now you have an excuse to go shopping for more pants ;)

Anyone else have YMCA stuck in their head from Renae's blog?