Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday- Marching/Running in Place 1 Hour

I skipped yesterday, due to digging in the yard for 3 1/2 hours with a big shovel. I am so SORE! My whole back, my legs, my arms feel like wet noodles, and even my butt muscles hurt. Oh man, I am hating all the stairs in my house today.

I don't know how I talked myself into doing a workout tonight, but the kids being put to bed by my dearest husband probably helped! I think this blog also gave me some incentive. It's such a good thing to keep up with exercise.

Someone gave me a bunch of irises and daylilies tonight, so more digging tomorrow. Kill me now!


lizS said...

oh man, well there's your strength training for the week, yikes! way to keep it up though, even when you feel rotten. THAT is the best test of commitment!

timpani76 said...

I know it's good for getting stronger, but just gardening and not exercising does not help me lose weight. I know, I've tried ;)

Lisa Lou said...

So, I tried running in place yesterday....I think you are awesome for doing it for an hour! :)

timpani76 said...

Ha ha Lisa, that's funny that you think I can do JUST the running for a whole hour. I actually only run in place for 20-25 minutes, and then march in place to fill up the rest of the aerobic hour.

This time I did run in place 20 minutes, and then got recharged later after marching in place for awhile and ran 10 minutes more. So, more than usual, but not a whole hour yet!

Lisa Lou said...

I can only handle 10 minutes, anything more than that is awesome! :)

Dana Cheryl said...

Your garden sounds beautiful! I love watching things grow. I need to get some house plants. :)