Friday, September 26, 2008

Nature Hikes

Well, my super cool visiting teacher (one of 'em, the other had to work) took me to Shaw Nature Reserve today, which is just five minutes from my house. I won't say we actually hiked, cause I am so not up to a stimulating vigorous hike yet, but we did walk around some, and there were mild hills, so my knees were killing me. And Erik had a blast too, so there was a good time had by all. They had this really cool playground with not a thing plastic in it. Hollowed out logs to crawl in, and sand boxes, and all sizes of building blocks made out of tree branches...very neat. Anyway, that's my workout for today. Not too strenuous, pretty mild, but my joints are saying "ow", so I'm gonna hang it up until tomorrow. Cheers!
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...

If I could nature hike once a week, I would totally do it. I get so sick of "city hiking". The joints aching are a part of the R. fever right?

lizS said...

yeah, achy joints are the R. fever. once that goes completely away, we will know that the illness is completely irradicated. that and a lingering fatigue are the only symptoms left. we are getting closer!!

Dana Cheryl said...

Yay for nature! It's healing I think... You've made such progress!