Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday- Swimming 1 Hour

I managed to squeeze out 25 minutes with the freestyle stroke, but the last 5 minutes I was dragging along pretty slowly. There was a guy sharing my lap lane for awhile and "racing" him kept me going for the first 20 minutes of the free style, but then when he left I lost my competitive edge. What is it about competition that brings it out in me? He was about 10 years younger than me, and slender, so I think I took an unreasonable amount of satisfaction out of not only swimming faster than him, but not having to take breaks after each lap like he did. I'm evil, I know.

I still did 15 minutes with the breaststroke and 15 minutes on backstroke. I did the kick board for a few minutes, but then had to just lay on my back and kick for the last little while.

I only drank one caffeine free soda today, which was my first goal. I hope to stick with the one caffeine free soda for 1-2 weeks, until I go to cutting it out on a daily basis altogether. I'm trying to take Liz's advice and not say I will NEVER drink soda again. Maybe I could say I will only drink it when we eat out? Or, something. I will have to think about that one.


Dana Cheryl said...

that's what i do t. i don't bring soda into the house. except for ginger ale which i need when i get sick which happens a lot.

i really want to swim. someday. :)

lizS said...

i would say it totally depends on how often you eat out. if you eat out several times a week, than that's a good place to start, by not drinking it at home but only when you go out. but after awhile, i think you could cut down on even that. i think i drink soday maybe once a month or so. you can do it!!!