Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday- Swimming- 1 Hour

No cute guys this time. I wonder if I'm relieved or disappointed? I did manage to swim freestyle for 25 minutes!

On a side note--all the lifeguards at the YMCA fit into the "cute" category, but they are all under 21 so they are boys and they just don't count ;)

Confession for the day- One caffeinated soda.


lizS said...

one soda, that's not bad. you haven't had one for awhile, yes? and 25 min freestyle, isn't that up from last time? way to kick hootie timpani!

timpani76 said...

I think I only did 20 minutes last time, but the time before I did 25 minutes as well. I can't remember when I had a caffeinated soda before yesterday, so I guess that's a good thing ;)