Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday NOGI BJJ (1 hour)

 Drilled half guard escapes with DW

Also- hours and hours of sanding my ceiling yesterday

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday CC Snow Running (30 minutes)

 plus, 10ish minutes walking at the end. Snow and 12 degrees 


also- on my feet yesterday for several hours with my arms above my head, plus lots of getting on and off a ladder to make batch after batch of plaster to fix my ceiling

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Lifting/Bodyweight Training (2 hours)

 First super set - bicep curls, forearm curls, and shoulder presses all with 25ish lb weights (added 5 lbs)  

Second super set- Military presses (3 sets of 4 instead of 3 sets of 3 this time). good mornings, front squat with 70 lbs (with heel elevators)

THEN - 3 sets of 3 straight leg dead lifts with 220 lbs

 Third super set- 3 sets of 10 bench presses with 70 lb bar. THEN 3 sets of 15 push ups and 3 sets of 20 calf raises

Fourth Super set- Back squats for
3 sets of 3 with 135ish  (added 15 lbs to the squat rack bar), Then 3 sets of 10 of bent over rows with 70 lbs (instead of two 20ish lb weights with the reverse chest flies and shoulder lifts). THEN reverse lunges for 3 sets of 3 with 135 lbs  

Then 3 sets of 5 kickstand squats with 40ish lb weight. 

Also- working on fixing the ceiling the last two days

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday CC Hill Sprints/HIIT workout (30 minutes)

 4 big hill, 4 parallel to big hill. Muddy and 40 degrees, misty, light misty rain.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday NOGI BJJ (1 hour)

 We worked half guard sweeps and getting up from half guard and mount escapes

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday Lifting/Bodyweight Training (2 hours)


First super set - bicep curls, forearm curls, and shoulder presses all with 25ish lb weights (added 5 lbs)  

Second super set- Military presses (3 sets of 4 instead of 3 sets of 3 this time). good mornings, front squat with 70 lbs (with heel elevators)

THEN - 3 sets of 3 straight leg dead lifts with 220 lbs

 Third super set- 3 sets of 10 bench presses with 70 lb bar. THEN 3 sets of 15 push ups and 3 sets of 20 calf raises

Fourth Super set- Back squats for
3 sets of 3 with 135ish  (added 15 lbs to the squat rack bar), Then 3 sets of 10 of bent over rows with 70 lbs (instead of two 20ish lb weights with the reverse chest flies and shoulder lifts). THEN reverse lunges for 3 sets of 3 with 135 lbs  

Then 3 sets of 5 kickstand squats with 40ish lb weight.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday NOGI BJJ (1 hour)

 Covered knee shield to closed guard, knee shield to dogfight, knee shield to kimura to kimura escape? We covered a lot. Live rounds at the end with DW and CP