Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sick Again

So, last week I had some kind of nasty stomach bug. It felt a lot like morning sickness, but luckily, Erik had the same thing so I didn't panic TOO much, lol!
I'm feeling better this week, but kinda weakish, so not much on the workout front, but today I DID clean my house. Yay me, lol!
The Almighty Liz


craftyashley said...

Nothing like a good pregnancy scare!

lizS said...

you're tellin' me, sister! YOWZA.

timpani76 said...

housecleaning workout! Once I get over this flu, I need to do a ton of that. My house looks like it has been hit by several natural disasters ;)

Hoba Chi said...
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Hoba Chi said...

Good job w/the house cleaning. It's a good way to get back into the regular workouts or so I hear! ;)