Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday MA Gi Class (2 hours)

Worked on arm bar from closed guard on your back, if arm slips, go to omaplata, if they posture up, go to triangle.

20 minutes chess. Chess with YH and MT

25 minutes live rolling. Rolled with DW, KS, and WK. Actually jumped guard on WK (he's 6'3 and 215, so really strong).

First ever nip slip while rolling with WK. Took off my gi top because WK was in nogi attire, and was wearing a tank with a sports bra. Not good enough for rolling with a big strong guy. Had to tell him to stop so I could fix my top. Also- jumped guard on WK from standing in nogi. Only time I've jumped guard without being picked up before (by DH). Also jumped guard while WK in a kneeling position (in the same roll).

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