Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Weigh-In

So, I started my girly time last night.  That means I'll have TWO low weeks in a row!!  GRRRRR.  And this is going to be a bad one, I can tell already.  I could tell two weeks ago, even.  Not good.  But it's only a week!  Then I'll hit the ground as soon as I can running hard, and make up for the lost time.  Thank goodness I got that run in on Saturday!!
I weighed in this morning with much trepidation, as last week not only did I not get to work out except for one day, I was also completely off the rails diet-wise.  I weighed in at 127, so not nearly as bad as I was thinking, especially considering I started my cycle, which means I'm retaining water.
Now, I'm off to curl up under a nice, warm blanket and die.
The Almighty (and Currently In Much Pain) Liz

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

Bummer about two weeks in a row!