Saturday, September 15, 2012


Didn't do anything yesterday or Thursday because I didn't sleep well and was just tiiiiiired.  I need to learn to push through that. 
Today I biked to the pool and back, total 4 miles in 50 min.  I did take a break because I biked to a Girl Scout parent meeting.  I'm pretty sure I can't do 4 miles with no breaks, but I'll get there! :D
The Almighty Liz

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

In reply to your other comment (which I just saw). It took me about 6 months to really like running. The "runner's high" did not kick in for me until that time. Plus, my feet hurt ALOT, and it took me awhile to work out why my feet would go numb while I ran, etc. etc. So, hang in there with the running!