Friday, March 20, 2009

The Company Workout

Well, we had some friends stay at our place for the last three days. There was a LOT they wanted to do, so basically, we were go, go, go! for three days.
Day one; we tried to go to the Zoo, but it was St. Patrick's day, and all the streets leading to the Zoo were closed. Not being all that city savvy as to how to get around in a pinch, we gave up after a couple of hours and went to this really cool ginormous park we found by total accident. That was my workout for that day; chasing and playing with the kids for a little over an hour.
The second day we accomplished getting to the zoo. We were there for two hours, and we didn't rest once. We got lost for an hour, and couldn't find our way out. (even with a map. *sigh*) Then somehow, even though I was at the total end of my rope, and had nothing left to give, I was nominated to walk to the car and bring it back while everyone else rested. 15 minutes all uphill after three hours of walking with no breaks. I way overdid it that day, and I'm still paying for it.
The third and final day they wanted to hit a St. Louis mall, so we went to the Mills Mall, since it has playgrounds for kids and fun things to do. We were there for about three and a half hours, but I spent a good deal of it sitting at the playgrounds watching children while my friends shopped. It was a good compromise. ;) (I did however get a little shopping done myself. The Maidenform outlet is at that mall, and since most of my bras are at the falling apart stage, I got a new one. Oooooh, the bliss! It's a new style that Maidenform came out with, and let me tell you; if you are on the smallish side, and your girls are not as perky as they used to be, this is the one for you! Seriously.)
It was a lot of fun having them here, but I'm going to sleep through the next two or three days, oi!
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...

Maidenform has good bras for all sizes ;)

Good job keeping moving! Now, take that momentum and those new muscles and keep working out next week!

timpani76 said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you, when I saw "company workout" I was thinking it was one of the guys posting about a workout they did on the job!

craftyashley said...

More malls need to have playgrounds for kids. If they did I would shop a lot more!

lizS said...

yeah, i'm finally over my cold this week, yay! it took two friggin' weeks. and i would suggest maidenform to everyone, but not having abundant ta-tas, i didn't want to speak for the more liberally endowed. ;)
and malls with playgrounds are the BEST!! the kids have fun, you have fun, everybody wins!