Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I forgot to post yesterday! Shame on me!
So, I cleaned my kitchen and my living/dining room. Swept and everything. That took about two hours. Then, in the evening, I did my bike for 30 minutes. I did a little better on the speed, so 13 mph for a total of 6.4 miles covered. My soreness from dancing is starting to subside too, which is good. I think I may lift weights today, but we'll see.
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...

Two hours of cleaning and the bike? Are you the new superwoman? ;)

lizS said...

why, yes i am timpani! lol!

lizS said...

in all seriousness, i thought i had lost a lot of ground, but you know what i think it is? i've lost weight, and therefore have more energy. yay!