Thursday, November 11, 2010


Okay, I did the third and final segment of my new dancing video thingy, and it was AWESOME. There are three instructors, and the guy is totally the best. Easy to follow and understand, so I was able to dance through the whole thing, and not sit and watch and try to catch on to what was going on. And it was a DANG good workout, the best dance workout I've ever had I think! I'm drenched in sweat as I type this (note to self: clean keyboard after shower), and I don't sweat! I wish he did the whole thing, darn it! Anyway, I did a little over 20 minutes of dancing today, yay!
The Almighty Liz
P.S. I forgot to add that I didn't do any formal working out yesterday. I did a LOT of errand running, and most of the stores I needed to go to were in a large strip mall type situation, so I parked in the middle and walked. Also, I organized my kids' toys yesterday, of which I am enormously proud. Picture toys all over my house, and now they are catergorized, packed in clear bins, and on shelves! By the time I got finished I was wiped out, so I'm counting that as my workout for yesterday.


timpani76 said...

Awesome job! What was the name of the video?

lizS said...

it's a dancing with the stars one, the swing/jive/quickstep version. the workouts are NOT ten minutes, they are 15 or so, and then there's a 5 minute cool down at the end. the guy's is the third one on the menu, and i recommend doing that one FIRST. it's so much better than the others. it's $10 at walmart! :D

timpani76 said...

I get most of my dvd's from the library or blockbuster. I may give this one a shot! I need to get past my dancing workout mental block. I did that dancing video with hawaiin dance and I had so much fun. I want to try more now, but dancing still feels like something that other people are good at (but not me, not me!).

lizS said...

lol! nobody's looking, let it all hang out! i love the 10 minute solution dancing workout videos, too. they change all the time at walmart, though, so the one i currently have is no longer at the store. let us know which ones you try out!