Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And Climbing Back on the Horse....Again....

Well, I'm mostly all better from my bout with pneumonia, and it's time I started working out again! So today was the first day back, and oh my heck, was it hard!! This is the hardest time I've had working out in like a year, I think. Only 16 minutes at around 12mph for a total of 3.2 miles covered. Totally pathetic compared to what I was doing before this last illness, but it should come back quick. I hope! I have an appointment with my cardiologist next week, I need to have as good cardio as possible, lol!
The Almighty Liz
ETA: I forgot to send out HUGE kudos to you girls! Way to go Timpani and Renae! I know I haven't been commenting a lot, but I've read every post, and you girls are doing awesome! Timpani, I'm especially impressed with you! Working out on vacation...! RAWR! And Renae, working out while sick, well, let's just say I would never have the oomph to do so! Great work you two!


Renae said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!

As for the working out while you are sick. That's a no no. I didn't feel sick when we started. I wasn't feeling great during the workout, but I was just attributing it to the fact that I haven't run those hills in a few weeks. By the time I got home, there was little doubt. It's a weird thing to be sweating, yet freezing cold and trying to run a fever at the same time. I'm over the fever today, but I still don't feel great. I'd say I'm operating at about 50 percent.

timpani76 said...

So glad you are back! This was a long break, so I think that's why it is so much harder this time. Plus, pneumonia is serious. It took me months to get really back into working out after I had pneumonia (like 13-14 years ago?).

timpani76 said...

Oh, and yes I am AWESOME for working out while on vacation. You may tell me as many times as you like ;)

lizS said...

@renae--do you know that your big brother thinks that running when you're sick will solve everything? he's crazy, lol! hope you feel better soon!
@timpani--yeah, it's been tough bouncing back from this one, but i didn't land in the hospital this time, bonus! and you are AWESOMEx100, lol!