Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Back in the saddle.

After a not complete hiatus from working out, but a definite diminishing of gains, here I am again.

15 minutes of Escrima at work
20 minute bike riding
5 minutes of stretching with the above things

I have still been doing 15 minutes of Escrima at work at least once a day and the martial arts class on Thursday nights, but I have not been too cognizant of my eating.

No big workout in the week other than the martial arts class and that's teaching, so is often not as intense.

My initial comedic inspiration, Dory, is supposed to have a new movie so that will help.
("Just keep swimming!")

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

Way to go Pookie Bar! Keep it up! And, yes, yes I am a machine, thank you very much ;)