Monday, August 16, 2010

Feeling Better

I did tolerably well at the triathlon after all. It was 1:45 slower than my PR, but better than I was expecting to do.

I stepped outside last night and GLORY BE, it was actually NICE outside!!! HOORAY!!! I therefore decided to run with my long lost running group. They have since added new pain to our route in a hill that I swear lasts an entire mile. (I don't know how long really is since I haven't actually measured it, but it just doesn't stop! I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it is a mile long.) Those people are sadistic! Anyway I ran 7.5 miles today. YAY!

Oh and I went to the dr. today about my thyroid (just a check-up). While I was there I asked him about my stupid stomach issues. (Last week was a special case. I think I had an actual bug that added to my normal issues. Ross got sick too.) I have been waking up at 3:00 am with an upset stomach semi regularly for a few months, followed by a nice bout of diarrhea around 5:00 am. Usually it goes away after that and I'm fine for the rest of the day. The doctor says it is likely a lactose intolerance. Now I can't eat any dairy for a whole month! STINK!! I have to go back in one month to report after my MONTH of no dairy. *SHHHH* I am rebelliously drinking chocolate milk as we speak, then I promise I'll do my best to swear it off for a MONTH.

Question Timpani: Can I still eat things baked with milk, like my wonderful buttermilk pancakes?

One more GOOD item of news about Renae's body (like you really want to know all about what my body does). I talked to my dr. about getting vein surgery. He said the results are very good usually. He is sending a referral to the fine folks at Wash. U, and THEY will be calling ME with an appointment. (This is a good thing because I've been putting off calling a vascular surgeon for 2 years now.) It's about stinking time! Won't it be lovely not to have the world's most ugly legs, AND also to not have horrible painful veins every time Aunt Flo comes to visit, AND to not have swollen ankles all of the time. What a lovely thing that will be!

Darn, my last chocolate milk is gone. I don't even know what to cook now. I put cheese in positively everything! STINK!


Renae said...

Timpani, eggs are okay aren't they?

lizS said...

lol! poor renae. i've lived with being lactose intolerant for my whole life, and it's no biggie. although, i'm only mildly so, so lactaid works for me very well. and eggs are not dairy, so therefore, have no lactose. i would say that if your doc said no dairy, that would include things baked with dairy too. and won't it be nice to have things figured out so you don't have an upset tummy all the time? (trying to make you feel better about going a whole month!! that would be uber hard.) and yay for vein surgery!!

lizS said...

oh, and i forgot to add, that you could substitute soy milk for real milk if you wish, or rice milk, or oat milk, or almond milk....

timpani76 said...

Almond milk is the best ;)

Also, yogurt has the least amount of lactose of all dairy products, so you might be able to get buy with using that for some recipes instead of milk.

Another Also, margarine has very little actual milk in it, so no problems there. With Vance, we could not give him baked goods, but he had a milk protein allergy, which is different from a lactose intolerance. Lactose is actually in the fat of the milk, as opposed to the protein which is in all of it.

timpani76 said...

Oh, and eggs are fine. Kids with milk protein allergies just happen to be allergic to eggs a lot too (milk, soy, eggs, and peanuts all have similar proteins).

Renae said...

Thanks guys. I'm trying to figure out just how milk Nazi I'm going to go this month. The point of the exercise is to get a proper diagnoses. Otherwise they have to order all kinds of tests to see if I have a parasite or Krone's disease or something. So I'm hoping that I can make all of the symptoms to completely away by the time I go back next month. I think I'm going to try cutting out the things that are strictly milk related. I'm still going to eat baked goods (at least for a little, unless it doesn't work). No cheese (that's going to be the hard one. I really do use it in cooking ALL THE TIME!) No milk, no ice cream. Is there a cheese substitute? Sour cream?

lizS said...

you know what renae, i have a bunch of vegans on my forum, i'll ask them if there is a good cheese and sour cream substitute. right now, all i can think of is tofu, and um, that sound icky, lol! and honestly, as hard as it would be, i would cut it ALL out to get a proper diagnosis, but it's not me. it would be uber super hard, and i'm glad i'm not doing it, lol!!
ps we're going to be in town this weekend probably!

timpani76 said...

Green Earth grocery in Edwardsville has sliced soy cheese that costs about $4. Plus, they have soy ice cream and other soy products. Pretty pricey, but maybe worth it?

timpani76 said...

Title: Yogurt Sour Cream
Yield: 1 Servings


1 plain yogurt*
1 extra virgin olive oil


*Dannon brand or other plain yoghurts that do not have gelatin added as a
thickener. Place in a sieve lined with damp muslin and drained in the
refrigerator - In 4 to 6 hours the yoghurt will loose at least half it's
volume. To each 8 oz of strained yogurt - whisk in about 1 Tbl. of extra
virgin olive oil - to take off the edge and give the yoghut a beautiful
creamy texture - This is a great substitute for sour cream.

timpani76 said...

I never tried the yogurt thing, but I had heard of it before.