Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've been really falling behind on logging my workouts! Shame on Liz! So here's what I've been up to:
I think I posted last Thursday and Friday's workouts; exercise biking. Monday, I did some real biking for about twenty minutes in my neighborhood in the morning. My mother-in-law has my kids, and boy was it a different experience riding in the morning before it got hot!! Then, as we still don't have the kids, John proposed doing a little biking then swimming. There's a track next door to the pool, so I assumed that's what he meant and said sure! That sounds way fun. When he got home from work, he got out his bike and said let's go! And I was like, what?! You want to ride there?!! It's two miles there, and then two miles back, and there's hills and cars and railroad tracks, and it is NOT one way! He talked me into it. We had all the time in the world, we could go at whatever pace I needed, and he would go get the car if I couldn't make the return trip. So off we went, and much to my surprise, it was FUN!! I not only got to the pool, I made it home again! I didn't do laps in between, like John did (he did an hour or thereabouts of laps), but it was a freaking good workout for me! And I wasn't totally wiped out at the end! I'm not saying I could go any further, I was definitely done, but I wasn't a pile of mush either! And I wasn't super slow! I was able to actually get some speed on! And did I mention that I still had energy afterward? I, apparently, am UNSTOPPABLE!!
The Almighty Liz

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

Wow, progress is great right? I wish I lived close enough to a pool to bike there. We used to do that when we were kids. Oh the fun!