Monday, August 6, 2012

Funk Officially Gone!

WAY gone!  Turns out it was partially P.M.S.  I feel great!  I'm ready to kick some bootay at the WRT this weekend!!!!  I've been pretty steady:  3 times a week running, 2 times a week biking, 2 times a week weights, 3 times a week swimming.  My girly time will be over by then, and I should be close to my monthly peak.  The weather looks good.  I'm ready to rock!  (knocking on wood)

Oh and Jillian's No More Trouble Zones is MEAN!!  I love it!

Do you think I used enough exclamation points in this post?  I think Seinfeld's Elaine would approve of this post.

P.S.  I think I'll make a list of things NEVER to do when you are P.M.Sing:  At number one would be do NOT go to the store and try on swimsuits!  lol!


Renae said...

Oh shoot! I forgot about Erik's being on this here blog from time to time. TMI about PMS! lol!

Hoba Chi said...

Erik has had more female friends than me, so I'm sure he's used to it!

Way to get out of your funk and get back into it!

Hoba Chi said...

oops, that was timpani ^^^^^

lizS said...

yay!!! i'm glad you got your OOMPH back just in time for the triathalon! woot!