Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Aerobics DVD 50 minutes (Dance & Be Fit Abs Burn)

This DVD was definitely a great ab workout, which was what I wanted when I ordered it from I'm going to try out an aerobic DVD every other week or so and I will post my review here.

My DVD Review of Dance & Be Fit Abs Burn (which came out in 2009)--My arms got sore from all the overhead dance moves, but I think that was more because of the chainsaw workout on Wednesday than the difficulty of the moves. You were basically working out your abs for the whole 50 minute DVD, and that felt great. The leg workout was ok, and I felt it in my arms, but it really targets your "core". It would also be a great DVD for beginners since they break it down into two 20 minutes segments (with 5 minutes warm up & cool down, so either way, you get 30 minutes of exercise). Or you could do both workouts with the warm up and cool down and make it 50 minutes of exercise.

Problem- I'm a prude so some of the dance moves made me uncomfortable (even in the privacy of my own home). They seemed like they took the moves from latin type dances (and the background music seemed to back up that theory). The stretches were taken from Yoga moves.

1 comment:

Renae said...

I just can't get myself to do those dance type dvd things. I feel like a complete moron, even if no one can see me.