Monday, May 25, 2009

I Came, I Saw, I Whooped it's Booty

5 mile run followed by a 15 mile bike.What this doesn't tell you is that I was the only one in my age division. Totally takes the thunder off of winning your division. However, I looked it up, and I would have won the 35-40 division too. If I were in my 20's (the largest women's age group at this race), I'd have come in 4th. If I were 40-44, I'd have taken 3rd. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this race.

My brother's Todd & Trent also competed, as well as my FIL, Terry. Terry won his division. Trent did just the run portion, but he whooped some hiney! He came in 3rd OVERALL, with a time of 31:05 for 5 miles! Rock on Trent!!


timpani76 said...

Still, you got the spiffy new medal to put on your trophy wall. Trent rocks!

Hoba Chi said...

Good job Renae!!!

lizS said...

you bootie kicker!!