Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday and Friday

I did my exercise bike yesterday and today. Yesterday it was 20 min. at 12.5-13.5 mph for a total of 4.3 miles covered. Today was a little faster, 20 min. at 13.5-14.5 mph for a total of 4.6 miles covered. Nice to be back in the saddle, but HARD at the same time, lol!
Also, yesterday was a weigh day, and I've lost two more pounds! So that's a total of 13 lbs, and 7 to go!

The Almighty Liz


craftyashley said...

Wow! Congratulations! Those last lbs. should be a snap! Love ya!

lizS said...

thanks ashley! i've been working on that and just getting healthy so hard, it's nice to see progress! and i'm dreading losing those last lbs, lol! i've always heard they are the hardest. *cringe*

Renae said...

Wow, good job!