Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday Weigh-in

No new working out. This toe is really causing some problems. It still hurts a whole lot, and every few days I get fresh bruising. *shakes fist* It could be I'm trying to do too much too quickly....naaaaaaaah, I would never do that. *said in a totally innocent voice*
So, I weighed in yesterday. I was super strict last week on the diet, and I was hoping(!) for at least a pound lost. I lost four!! Seriously, this rollar coaster is wearing me out, lol! I'm getting better at self control (which I've never had a problem with before! Not with eating anyway, ergh!), and with keeping track of things. Starting to adjust fairly well to how my brain is working now. Go me!
The Almighty Liz

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

woohoo for weight lost!