Thursday, November 27, 2008

Zee Ankles of Steel!

As far as I know, Team Alton are taking the day off (that's who I normally run with). Team Godzilla (another team that I belong to) were having a Thanksgiving day run. So, for the first time, I decided to run with the Zillas. Those people are another brand of nuts! Team Alton is all about training for marathons, doing crazy hills and such on the pavement. Team Godzilla is all about doing the races around here, biking and trail running. I've never done trail running. It's nuts! Fun, but nuts! We ran in the woods, on a trail about 2 feet wide, jumping over tree limbs left and right, slipping on rocks, up hills, down hills, everything covered in fallen leaves. We ran about 4 3/4 miles, but it was a heck of a work out. Of the group of about 6 that I ended up being with (there I think 22 total), 3 people fell down at some point. I managed to keep my footing, but I was near falling a couple of times. Keith Timmins, one of the head honchos of these nutso goat folk, said that he is getting up early and doing a trail run at Pere Marquette Saturday, and skipping the River Road Run (the race that I'm doing). He's going to be there taking pictures of the other Zillas there. He said that 10 miles on flat pavement was just too boring! Nuts!


timpani76 said...

Woohoo! Turkey Day running is the best! Sunshine and fresh air are my favorite natural highs.

You will have to show me these trails sometime because I think I might actually like running like the "goat people" better than running on pavement. I'm guessing it's easier when there's no leaves on the ground?

lizS said...

way to go renae! i had no time yesterday for any workouts which was a total bummer, and i'm glad you did!!