Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another Walk

We watched some friends of ours' three kids, bringing our kid total up to five. We did the only logical thing on a nice day with that many children to keep track of; we went to the park. We walked there, because we don't have a car that holds five children and two adults, and we did not take into account how blazin' hot it was out there today. By the time we got there, everyone was ready to die, and we only stayed about ten minutes. Then we had to walk home, and seriously, if we thought we were ready to die when we got to the park, we did not know the true meaning of suffering, but we did when we finally dragged our weary carcasses back inside the house in the blissful air conditioning. Note to self; next time, bring water.
Oh, and as for the flu, I'm doing just fine. I got a blessing Thursday night, and was much better Friday morning (I also went to bed at like seven pm) after 14 hours of sleep, and then a three hour nap, and another 12 hour sleep and this morning I'm all better!! Gotta love the power of the Priesthood!
The Almighty Liz

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

Water & snacks are a must for all our spring/summer walkathons. We live really close to a few gas stations though, so we just pick some up on the way most of the time.

Sorry you had a hard time! Glad you are feeling better!