Thursday, January 19, 2012


I ran with the group this morning. I took Bruce's new Garmin (Christmas present). I took off with the fast group like normal, but either they are faster than usual, or more likely, I'm just not up to snuff yet. I stuck with them for about 1.5 before I had to fall back. We were running low 8 min. miles. I usually stick with the fast crowd for at least the first half. Today I averaged 9.09 minute miles for 6 miles. Good run.

P.S. I HATE dieting! I just can't do it! I totally fell off the wagon yesterday. Today is not having a great start either. Oh well, I'll just have to keep trying. It's bound to help that at least I'm aware of how much I'm eating.

On a totally different subject, but I guess kind of sort of health related, my hair has been looking... for lack of a better word... old for the past year or two. I can't discribe it, but the texture was just not the same. After our bout with headlice (HORRIBLE STUFF!) and having Bruce pick through my hair about a million times. I actually never had it. (Thank Goodness!) It was really only Ross. But still we had to keep checking everybody. ANYWAY, when Bruce was going through my hair, he kept complaining about my apparent bad case of dandruff. So I went to the store and bought myself a bottle of Selsun Blue. After using it only a couple of times, not only is my dandruff a TON better, but my hair just feels and looks a million times healthier. Who knew! I think I just took 5-10 years off my hair. The only draw back is that shampoo is EXPENSIVE! I've started using it every other time I wash my hair, instead of every time. I hope that works.

Dang, what's with me and the lengthy posts?!

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

I love your long posts!