Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday & Wednesday

Well that's 3 for 3 so far this week. I left the workout off till the evening and only by sheer will power did I do anything at all. I did stair running, but my heart just wasn't in it, and I gave up after 25 minutes rather than my usual 40 minutes. I was just out of gas. Maybe just because I've still got some coming back to do after two months of being out of things, or maybe because it was evening? Or maybe I'm just lazy.

Today I got up early and put in 40 minutes on the bike in the basement. "Diet" going okay.

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

Man, this diet seems hard for you! Maybe because you skinny girls just don't diet as much as the full figured gals ;)

Diet tips:

Only step on the scale once a week, at the exact same time of the day (like right when you get up on saturday morning in my case). It takes at least a week for most diets to actually start working anyway.

Baby carrots and other low calorie filling veggies are your friend. Plus, they are fairly cheap. Veggies cause less blood sugar fluctuations than fruit, and will make you feel full longer.

I really really like smoothies when I'm on a diet. They fill me up for hours and I put things like baby spinach in them to make them a power punch of vitamins!

Drink lots of water. Dieting makes you hungry AND thirsty. Water has no calories ;)

It helps me to eat lots of lean protein. Lean protein has very few calories as well, but makes you feel full longer. It will also help you feel less like dying while you are trying to build muscle back up.

Try and have fun! Losing weight is one of the best natural highs in the world.