Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I'm still at it. The diet is feeling a bit easier. I've stayed well in a decent range for two whole days in a row without feeling like I was killing myself.

Today I ran hills with the group. I got there a little bit late, so I had to drive to catch everybody else. They were about 1/2 mile into the run when I got there. We got a cool new Garmin (for Christmas), so here is the read out of our hill run - well all of it except the first and last 1/2 miles, because I missed that part getting there late.

Check it out! The green line is the elevation and the yellow line is the grade. Now you can see why this run SUCKS!


lizS said...

wow, i am impressed that you can run that!!! go you!

lizS said...

oh, and i'm so glad the diet is feeling better now. it just takes time for your body to adjust, really and truly. way to stick it out!! :D

timpani76 said...

I'm so glad your feeling better with the diet! I was hoping that it would get better for you (and not make a liar out of me, ha ha).