Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back on the Horse! Or, the Bike Anyway.

Well, ladies, I'm back! Did you miss me? Today was the first day I've felt entirely human in almost three weeks. Dumb cold! I don't feel quite as wussy as usual though, 'cause my husband, who never ever ever gets sick, got sick. Anyway, so to test myself, I went to Wal-Mart. As you recall, I did that last week, and ended up sleeping for hours, and was totally sick and tired for the next few days. So, I decided that I had overdone it (again), and to not try again until I felt almost good. (you know, it takes awhile after you're sick for a week or two to feel GREAT) So, off I went a-errand running today, and when I got home, I did not feel the undeniable compulsion to collapse, and took that as a good sign. When John got home from work, I was still feeling A-Okay, so I decided to try my hand at a real work out; my exercise bike. I'll take it really easy, I thought to myself, and no more than 10 minutes. Well, as soon as I got on (and I totally expected to have lost all ground that I had gained, and for my body to scream at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!"), instead of the expected reaction for my poor tired ill body, I got a "YEAH!!! Let's DO this! WOOHOO!!!" Not only that, but I did better than I did before I got sick!! Before I got sick, I was doing 12 mph for 3 min, then 15 for one, for 20 min total. Well, today I did 15-16 mph for the entire twenty minutes, and a 10 mph for a one minute cool down, for a total of 4.6 miles covered. Holy cow! Can you believe that?! And what's more, I feel GREAT!!! My little body is going "THAT'S what we wanted! ROAR!!"
Yeah girls, it's time to get SVELTE.
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...

You show that bike who's boss!!! I think long breaks are good, sometimes, especially when you are first starting out. Slow and steady wins the race ;)

Lisa Lou said...

Way to go Liz! Glad to have you back and feeling great!