Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ping ping

30 minutes of stair running today. Plus, apparently all it takes to loose a couple of lbs is to complain on the Internet about how you have been stuck for 2 months. I lost 2 lbs since then. But 2 lbs could be just fluctuation. However I keep track of my fluctuation, and I've fluctuated 2 lbs past my lowest point of fluctuation before. (Can I work that fluctuation word in anymore in this post? I think I can: fluctuation, fluctuation, flu, flu ctulation, fluctuation faces and fluctuation toes!) Now I've thoroughly jinksed myself. I'll be sure to put on 5 lbs by next post, never to loose it again.


lizS said...

hooray on breaking your plateau! i hope you didn't jinx yourself, that would suck. and two lbs is nothing to sniff at; it adds up baby! two lbs this week, and then next week, and before you know it you will be a lean monument to SVELTENESS!

timpani76 said...

I'm waiting until Sunday to check my plateau status. Don't stress! The scale is not your enemy, the evil little voice in your head that tears you down and makes you feel bad about yourself is the REAL enemy.

Dana Cheryl said...

I hate that stupid voice! Fluctuation... I don't get to say it or write it very often. :) Have you ever started at a word too long and the spelling looks funny? I seriously had to look up Kentucky the other day because I thought I'd spelled it wrong. lol!

Eyepoke said...

ah, that voice is loud dang it. you all balance it out nicely though. :)