Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday-Walking 1 hour

Yep, with two kids in the double stroller. I was pretty tired today, but Erik and I went to a semi-hilly area and walked. I'm pretty sure we made bad time, but I don't know since we stopped for dinner at McDevils.

I've been eating good, but not that good. I have not weighed myself in over a week because I have been really bloated. I will have to check up on that soon. Anyone else having any luck losing weight? I feel kind of stuck.


lizS said...

nope, i'm still at a four lbs weight gain and holding. i'm trying to stay off the scale and just pay attention to how my clothes fit and such, but i'm failing. miserably. my little green monster and all. and way to go working out even though you are tired! i think that's the true test; to do it even when you don't want to. woot!

Trisha said...

Way to go Timpani!

And I haven't stepped on a scale except at the doctor's offices since I don't know when. I know I should know where I'm starting and all... but I just can't bring myself to do it!

Dana Cheryl said...

You can always measure inches instead of pounds. I do both and love it.

Are you hydrated? Sometimes if you're not fully hydrated your body will retain water. It's a thought. You're doing great though. :)