Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Walking 1 hour, Swimming 1 hour

The walking was really slow walking for at least the first 15 minutes as Vance did not want to ride in the stroller on the way to school, so there were frequent stops to let the boy catchup. As a bonus though, I only had one kid in the stroller the whole time so that was easier on my back.

Swimming went great! I thought it would be really hard after not swimming for three weeks in a row, and it was harder than usual, but I did not backslide. I did the breast stroke for 20 minutes because I was thinking that I would not be able to do the freestyle (the hardest stroke for me) for the full 15 minutes. I was almost ready to quit after 5 minutes of freestyle, but I got my second wind! Woot! And then the happy hormones kicked in, so I was able to jump right back into the full 15 of freestyle.

Then I did the backstroke for 15 minutes, and my arms started to feel trashed, so I decided to use the kick board. Wow! I will never call someone a wuss in my head who is just using the kick board. That is hard! I only lasted 5 minutes, and then I went back to backstroke and swimming under water, and goofing around. So, full hour of swimming (woot!) and full time on freestyle. Yeah me!

Also, I have discovered a glass of milk after I work out or a few bites of cottage cheese seems to make me feel better than water. The protein maybe? I will have to keep testing this theory.


Dana Cheryl said...

Timpani, you're amazing. How's your back?

lizS said...

yeah, how did your back hold up with the swim? i'm so glad you didn't lose any ground. you've been doing so great with other workouts though, i'm not super surprized. cross training is good. i've found that the day after i swim, my biking improves alot, and vice versa. good job!

timpani76 said...

My back was fine after the swim, and during. I did not do the twisty stomach exercises I usually do in the deep end though. I hope it stays happy! Hope hope hope.

Dana Cheryl said...

I'll hope with ya! Fingers crossed.